The development of the Screening of Visual Complaints questionnaire for patients with neurodegenerative disorders: Evaluation of psychometric features in a community sample

Patients with neurodegenerative disorders often experience impairments in visual function.
In research and clinical care, visual problems are primarily understood as objective visual impairments. Subjective complaints, referring to complaints from a patient’s perspective, receive less attention, while they are of utmost clinical importance to guide assessment and rehabilitation. A 21-item Screening of Visual Complaints questionnaire (SVC) was developed for the assessment of subjective visual complaints in patients with neurodegenerative disorders. This prospective study aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the SVC in a large community sample. Lees meer

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Leernetwerk bijeenkomst EerstelijnsZorg Hersenletsel

Op 28 maart 2025 organiseren we een inspirerende en interactieve leernetwerkbijeenkomst van het Leernetwerk EerstelijnsZorg Hersenletsel (LEZH) met als thema: Interprofessioneel samenwerken, denken en leren.
Met als gastspreker Gastspreker: Ton Satink